🔠 The regular expression library that powered Ruby & PHP
No Matches

🔠 The regular expression library that powered Ruby & PHP
Docs website | oniguruma.h API | GitHub | More Oniguruma projects

💎 Used as the regex engine in Ruby 2
🐘 Used as the regex engine in PHP 5
😎 Written in everyone's favorite C language
🍰 Uses standard CMake for the build system
🐸 Installable via Conan dependency manager
📦 Installable via Vcpkg package manager


Conan Vcpkg APT pacman CMake

You can install this library using Conan or Vcpkg like this:

# conanfile.txt
vcpkg install oniguruma

ℹ The oniguruma Vcpkg port in is maintained by Microsoft community contributors. If any issues arise specific to Vcpkg, please direct them to the microsoft/vcpkg project.

This library is also available through a number of system package managers

OS Install command
Fedora dnf install oniguruma-devel
RHEL/CentOS yum install oniguruma
Debian/Ubuntu apt install libonig5
Arch pacman -S oniguruma
openSUSE zypper install oniguruma

Manual build instructions for users

cmake -Bbuild
cmake --build build
cp -r include build/lib* /workspaces/awesome-project/

💻 These steps work on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Make sure you have a good version of CMake installed. You can download CMake from CMake.org or via webinstall.dev/cmake.


After installing, you can get started with a simple program like this. It prints out whether or not the example text matches the regex variable.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <oniguruma.h>
int main() {
OnigRegex regex;
OnigPosition start, end;
OnigRegion* region;
UChar* pattern = (UChar*) "hello";
UChar* str = (UChar*) "Hello world!";
int r;
r = onig_initialize(&enc, ONIG_ENCODING_UTF8, ONIG_ENCODING_UTF8);
if (r != ONIG_NORMAL) {
printf("Error: onig_initialize\n");
return 1;
r = onig_new(&regex, pattern, pattern + strlen((char*)pattern),
if (r != ONIG_NORMAL) {
printf("Error: onig_new\n");
return 1;
region = onig_region_new();
r = onig_search(regex, str, str + strlen((char*)str),
str, str + strlen((char*)str), region, ONIG_OPTION_NONE);
if (r >= 0) {
printf("Match found!\n");
} else if (r == ONIG_MISMATCH) {
printf("No match found.\n");
} else {
printf("Error: onig_search (return code %d)\n", r);
onig_region_free(region, 1);
return 0;
ONIG_EXTERN int onig_initialize(OnigEncoding encodings[], int number_of_encodings)
Definition oniguruma.h:114
Definition oniguruma.h:685

If you're interested in seeing some more examples, check out the [Examples page] on the [documentation website]!


This project uses CMake as its build system. The source *.c files are all in src/. Any public header files that users of the library could #include <lib.h> are in the include/ folder. This library offers two main targets: a shared library (usually libonig.so) and a static library (usually libonig.a). These targets are named libonig-shared and libonig-static if you want to build them individually via cmake --build build --target <target>.

To get started, run these commands after cloning this repository:

cmake -Bbuild
cmake --build build

The -Bbuild flag tells CMake to put the generated build tree (Makefile, .o files, etc.) into a parallel build/ folder instead of the current directory. We then use the --build flag to run the Ninja, Make, VS project, or other build system commands in the build/ folder that was just generated. After the initial generation you don't need to rerun the cmake -Bbuild command since the build tooling will already be there. Instead just run cmake --build build.

There's also a test target that can used to build and run the tests. There's not currently a test runner that we use, so we roll our own. To run the tests, use this:

cmake --build build --target test
File Description
oniguruma.h Oniguruma API header file (public)
onig-config.in configuration check program template
regenc.h character encodings framework header file
regint.h internal definitions
regparse.h internal definitions for regparse.c and regcomp.c
regcomp.c compiling and optimization functions
regenc.c character encodings framework
regerror.c error message function
regext.c extended API functions (deluxe version API)
regexec.c search and match functions
regparse.c parsing functions.
regsyntax.c pattern syntax functions and built-in syntax definitions
regtrav.c capture history tree data traverse functions
regversion.c version info function
st.h hash table functions header file
st.c hash table functions
oniggnu.h GNU regex API header file (public)
reggnu.c GNU regex API functions
onigposix.h POSIX API header file (public)
regposerr.c POSIX error message function
regposix.c POSIX API functions
mktable.c character type table generator
ascii.c ASCII encoding
euc_jp.c EUC-JP encoding
euc_tw.c EUC-TW encoding
euc_kr.c EUC-KR, EUC-CN encoding
sjis.c Shift_JIS encoding
big5.c Big5 encoding
gb18030.c GB18030 encoding
koi8.c KOI8 encoding
koi8_r.c KOI8-R encoding
cp1251.c CP1251 encoding
iso8859_1.c ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1)
iso8859_2.c ISO-8859-2 (Latin-2)
iso8859_3.c ISO-8859-3 (Latin-3)
iso8859_4.c ISO-8859-4 (Latin-4)
iso8859_5.c ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic)
iso8859_6.c ISO-8859-6 (Arabic)
iso8859_7.c ISO-8859-7 (Greek)
iso8859_8.c ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew)
iso8859_9.c ISO-8859-9 (Latin-5 or Turkish)
iso8859_10.c ISO-8859-10 (Latin-6 or Nordic)
iso8859_11.c ISO-8859-11 (Thai)
iso8859_13.c ISO-8859-13 (Latin-7 or Baltic Rim)
iso8859_14.c ISO-8859-14 (Latin-8 or Celtic)
iso8859_15.c ISO-8859-15 (Latin-9 or West European with Euro)
iso8859_16.c ISO-8859-16 (Latin-10)
utf8.c UTF-8 encoding
utf16_be.c UTF-16BE encoding
utf16_le.c UTF-16LE encoding
utf32_be.c UTF-32BE encoding
utf32_le.c UTF-32LE encoding
unicode.c common codes of Unicode encoding
unicode_fold_data.c Unicode folding data
windows/testc.c Test program for Windows (VC++)